Sep 11Liked by Edward Russell

This is a really great piece! As someone who lived in Atlanta for 20 years I’d add a couple of other points. Your piece mentions several times that the Atlanta design is more optimized for the connecting passenger at the possible expense of the local one. This was especially true for international arrivals pre-2012, where you would need to clear customs, *re-check checked bags* and *re-clear security* just to leave the airport, the same experience connecting passengers faced. It was a huge pain coming off a long flight, and especially burdensome for anyone traveling with kids. Fortunately the new international terminal fixed that.

However - something the remote islands design achieves - which Tampa doesn’t- is operational efficiency - giving nearly every aircraft two or more paths to reach their gate. And this operational efficiency ends up helping whoever uses the airport more - typically locals.

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Thanks Rick!

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Sep 10Liked by Edward Russell

Well done, Ned! What a great piece to wake up to!

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Thought you'd like this post, Brad!

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